Meet Our Facilitators

One of the unique aspects of the Institute for Women's Entrepreneurship at Cornell is that each of our online courses has an assigned facilitator. Facilitators pose questions and provide additional resources in the discussion forums and also provide individualized feedback on the student projects that are submitted at the end of each course. Our facilitators also make themselves available for specific student questions that might happen via email or zoom.

Kelly Caldwell - Lead Facilitator

Kelly Caldwell - Lead Facilitator

Facilitator Background:

Kelly has been a course facilitator in the Women's Entrepreneurship certificate program since January 2020 and facilitates in all six courses. In 2022, Kelly took on the role of Program Facilitator Coordinator and her responsibilities include supporting the 24 other facilitators in the Women's Entrepreneurship program.  Kelly's entrepreneurial career began when she co-founded AK Environmental, LLC.  AK Environmental (AK) provided a variety of consulting services to the energy industry.  Kelly and her business partner successfully grew AK from two founders to nearly 200 employees over 13 years.  In 2014, they sold the business to a publicly traded engineering firm, NV5.   In 2015, she co-founded Sonaya Properties (real estate business) and joined a local angel investment group. In 2018, she founded Sonaya Consulting where she shares her expertise and advises women through the growth stages of their business.

What makes/keeps you excited about this program:

I love the content that is shared within the courses and through the discussion groups.   When I started my first business, I knew nothing about raising money.  We used our own money to start the business and we weren't even aware what bootstrapping meant until years later.  This program exposes a student to so many aspects of entrepreneurship which gives them such a great foundation as they move forward with their businesses.  I would have been years ahead in my learning curve if I went through this program prior to starting my business.

Favorite thought on entrepreneurship:

"What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make".  Jane Goodall

Share a fun fact or two about yourself:

My degree is in Wildlife Science from Purdue University. My first college internship was at the Cincinnati Zoo and I worked every day with Asian elephants, a giraffe, a rhinoceros, and a hippopotamus.

How to find Kelly Caldwell - Lead Facilitator:

Linked In

Amy Kauffman – Facilitator

Amy Kauffman – Facilitator

Facilitator Background:

Amy has been a facilitator in the Women's Entrepreneurship certificate program with eCornell since 2020. In addition, Amy is a transformational coach, focusing on helping women discover and redefine themselves after major life events; childbirth, divorce, death of a loved one, career change etc.  Prior to this role, Amy was Founder and CEO of Givily, a SaaS productivity management tool used to streamline and maximize charitable donation requests. She also founded a personal branding agency in the last decade. Amy is a published author and is currently working on her next book.

What makes/keeps you excited about this program:

I am absolutely inspired to see the passion and creativity of entrepreneurial women all over the world particularly in the discussions or final projects where they’re sharing much of themselves. These women desire to bring impact to the world and are doing it; big and small, fast and slow, challenged and magnificent – they’re fighting for their dreams, and I feel HONORED to have a front row seat to their efforts and desires.

Favorite thought on entrepreneurship:

I believe people were created on purpose for a purpose and have their own unique gifts and abilities that are brought to the world for impact through the lives they live and the businesses they create.

Share a fun fact or two about yourself:

I am a blessed mama of two beautiful girls. I love nature, great workouts, time with family and friends, reading, and tea, always tea.

How to find Amy Kauffman – Facilitator:

Dr. Cindy Briggs - Facilitator

Dr. Cindy Briggs - Facilitator

Facilitator Background:

I have been with the eCornell program for over two years in both the BOA Entrepreneurship program and the Leadership certificate program. I am also a business coach and author where my mission is to help entrepreneurs and communities thrive. I work with entrepreneurs at all stages of business, and by helping them I am helping the communities where they are located. In addition to teaching about entrepreneurship, my husband and I currently own several businesses. In the past, I have served as a business professor at several universities, and also as an executive in nonprofit organizations.

What makes/keeps you excited about this program:

I love being a part of this program because I get to walk alongside people as they are chasing their dreams. I get to be a small part of their journey by providing them support, and valuable material. I see the excitement in these individuals, and it only excites me even more.

Favorite thought on entrepreneurship:

The only time you fail is when you don’t show up.

Share a fun fact or two about yourself:

I have gotten brave recently… first I am finishing writing my book on female entrepreneurship, and I also am now singing for my church (both of which have scared me in the past!)

How to find Dr. Cindy Briggs - Facilitator: or at LinkedIn -

Cindy Joyce - Facilitator

Cindy Joyce - Facilitator

Facilitator Background:

My role as a facilitator with eCornell and the Institute for Women's Entrepreneurship at Cornell began in December, 2019. At the Institute for Women's Entrepreneurship I teach the Creating Your Venture Course. My course facilitation work with eCornell includes courses in Human Resources, Negotiations, and Leadership.  I am the Founder of Pillar Search and HR Consulting. I work with nonprofits across the United States on their hiring and human resources needs.  Seven years ago, I began my own entrepreneurial journey In addition to being a facilitator in the running my own HR consultancy business, I teach at Harvard Extension School, am the Philanthropy Co-Chair of the Regis College Alumni Council, and serve on the Board of Directors at Revels, a performing arts organization in Greater Boston. Before launching Pillar, I worked for Lindauer Global, a nonprofit executive search firm, consulted with City Year, and managed staff recruiting at Harvard Law School. Prior to entering the nonprofit sector, I spent 18 years in Human Resources in the investment management space.

What makes/keeps you excited about this program:

As an entrepreneur, I love connecting with other entrepreneurs as a way of “paying it forward”. We need to stick together! Entrepreneurship runs in my family. My brother is a real estate entrepreneur, my mom founded two schools, and my grandfather ran a successful pharmacy in Boston. I love learning more about the amazing businesses that students in the Institute for Women's Entrepreneurship have created or are working towards launching. 

Favorite thought on entrepreneurship:

My favorite quote is from another female entrepreneur, Tory Burch: “If it doesn’t scare you, you’re probably not dreaming big enough.”

Share a fun fact or two about yourself:

When I’m not working, you can find me walking around Boston’s neighborhoods with my dog, Neddick, on my yoga mat, or gardening. I have a roof deck garden where I grow vegetables, fruit, herbs, and flowers. In 2022 my little garden oasis was the first runner up in the Boston Mayor’s Garden Contest!

How to find Cindy Joyce - Facilitator:

You can find me on my website as well as LinkedIn.

Dr. Clarissa J. Sparks - Facilitator

Dr. Clarissa J. Sparks - Facilitator

Facilitator Background:

Dr. Clarissa J. Sparks has been a facilitator for the Bank of America Institute for Women's Entrepreneurship at Cornell since 2021. In addition to being a facilitator for the Women's Entrepreneurship certificate program, Clarissa is a personal brand strategist, trainer, mentor, and investor for women entrepreneurs. She is the founder of "She Sparks," a brand strategy design consultancy. Using her ten-plus years of branding & marketing experience, Dr. Sparks has supported over 4,000 women entrepreneurs in gaining clarity on who they are, what they do, and how they can brand, market, and grow their businesses. Using her Brand Thinking™ Blueprint & Action Plan she gives entrepreneurs the resources and support they need to become the go-to expert in their industry.

She is also a Learning & Development Consultant supporting clients in the healthcare industry. She designs and delivers curriculum for healthcare leaders: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), McKesson, Epic, and Cerner. Her work includes instructional design & development, and implementation of instructor-led training, eLearning courses, interactive workshops, and blended programs.

What makes/keeps you excited about this program:

When I first started my business, I think the thing I lacked the most was real guidance on what steps to take and when to take them. I had an overall vision of what I wanted to achieve but being brand new into business, I didn’t necessarily know what I ought to do first to make it a reality. Looking back, some of the steps were obvious, others not so much – but had I had that guidance and structure from the start, I think I could have grown my business much faster. So, knowing a program exists that helps women entrepreneurs identify and solve problems, apply new knowledge, and take action keeps me excited.

Favorite thought on entrepreneurship:

“Trust the Process” it’s essential to starting and growing a successful business.

Share a fun fact or two about yourself:

For one night only, Clarissa performed as a stand-up comedian at a local comedy club. She also enjoys domestic and international travel, hosting, and entertaining family and friends.

How to find Dr. Clarissa J. Sparks - Facilitator:

Dr. Linda Jordon – Facilitator

Dr. Linda Jordon – Facilitator

Facilitator Background:

In addition to being a facilitator in the Women's Entrepreneurship certificate program, Dr. Linda facilitates in the Diversity & Inclusion certificate program, Strategy & Entrepreneurialship and Authenticity, Integrity & Accountability courses.  Prior to that role, she founded LRJ Coaching & Business Solutions, LLC where she leads the operational and tactical efforts of LRJ Coaching & Business Solutions, LLC.   Before co-founding LRJ Coaching & Business Solutions, LLC, Dr. Linda is the co-founder of Jordon Rental Properties, LLC where she and her husband remodel homes.   Prior to LRJ Coaching & Business Solutions, LLC, Dr. Linda was Senior Director at GlaxoSmithKline where she was responsible for sales operations and contact center management in the pharmaceutical industry.  She has also served as Project Lead for an international organizational change and outsourcing project with GlaxoSmithKline.

What makes/keeps you excited about this program:

Dr. Linda enjoys facilitating this program as she enjoys helping others succeed and it helps her to rethink her own entrepreneurship endeavors.  She also believes in paying it forward given your own experience as a professional.

Favorite thought on entrepreneurship:

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.”   – Jim Rohn

Share a fun fact or two about yourself:

Dr. Linda was raised on a farm in Virginia where she had the opportunity to raise cows, chickens, pigs and horses.  She has practiced playing the piano for many years, but is working to  improve her skills.  Dr. Linda and her husband are empty nesters.

How to find Dr. Linda Jordon – Facilitator:  or

Michelle Watson - Facilitator

Michelle Watson - Facilitator

Facilitator Background:

I have been teaching since 2007 online and on ground campuses for several schools in the areas of Hospitality, Business and Entrepreneurship. I have 25+ years of business operations management, marketing, and leadership history. I strive to be an Inspirational leader and mentor with talent for training high-performing management teams, introducing World Class customer service practices, and maximizing the customer service experience. I’m a business industry innovator with focus on new business development, operational, and performance excellence. Through effective mentoring and coaching techniques coupled with quality recruiting and training methods as well as ability to complete reorganization of staffing levels and chain of command, I have improved customer service and employee turnover to the top 1% of retail businesses I currently oversee.

What makes/keeps you excited about this program:

For me it is the pure joy of working with women that are pursuing their passions in entrepreneurship. The connections we make as a group and the collaboration of initiatives as well as the general bond of success in rooting for each other. I love to be able to provide that support and advice when called upon.

Favorite thought on entrepreneurship:

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, “I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.” You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Share a fun fact or two about yourself:

Recently nominated for Convenience Stores Woman of The Year 2022 for one of the many retail business I currently oversee on Tribal land in Minnesota.

How to find Michelle Watson - Facilitator:

Linked In

Pamela Roskin - Facilitator

Pamela Roskin - Facilitator

Facilitator Background:

Pamela has been a facilitator in the Women’s Entrepreneurship certificate program since 2020. Prior to eCornell she started her own eponymous jewelry line. She is also a part-time assistant professor at Parsons School Design. Roskin worked for over a decade as a marketer in book publishing and was Ralph Lauren’s archivist.

What makes/keeps you excited about this program:

The camaraderie on the discussion boards–I really feel the support we all have for one another and how we are all rooting for each other’s success.

Favorite thought on entrepreneurship:

“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” –Thomas Edison

Share a fun fact or two about yourself:

Single mom. Devoted yogi. NYer.

How to find Pamela Roskin - Facilitator:

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Rosalyn Gentry - Facilitator

Rosalyn Gentry - Facilitator

Facilitator Background:

Rosalyn Gentry has been a facilitator with the Bank of America Women’s Entrepreneur Program since 2020. In addition to being a facilitator in the Women’s Entrepreneurship certificate program, Rosalyn is a business consultant and serves as a public relations and marketing director for a community nonprofit organization Young Blacks in Action, Inc. Also, Rosalyn is an adjunct professor teaching business law, negotiations and transactions, and intro to business courses. As a former practicing attorney, she opened and managed her law firm. Her practice encompassed bankruptcy, criminal, probate, business, and family law. Before opening up her law practice, Rosalyn was the associate athletic director and senior women’s administrator for Florida A&M University (FAMU).

Additionally, before entering FAMU law school, she was the director for marketing at the National Consortium for Academics and Sports. Furthermore, she was a compliance director for the University of Missouri-Columbia’s Athletic Department, the associate director for athletics and senior women’s administrator for San Francisco State University, and the senior women’s administrator and assistant athletic director for academics at Saint Mary’s College in Moraga, CA. Rosalyn is working on publishing her first book, “My Sons Can Do More Than Play Basketball.”  Finally, she runs a personal training and fitness business.

What makes/keeps you excited about this program:

Rosalyn loves facilitating this program due to the high-quality materials and the passion of the student base for their entrepreneurial vision.

Favorite thought on entrepreneurship:

Women can start in any position they desire, CEO, CFO, Director, or Manager. When you are the boss, you get to determine your position.

Share a fun fact or two about yourself:

Rosalyn was an NCAA Division I collegiate athlete where she earned All-American honors 5-times and participated in the 400m dash in the US Olympic Trials (1980 and 1984) in track and field. Also, she set the fastest time in the indoor 600 yards at the Big Eight Conference Indoor Track and Field Championships. Rosalyn was inducted into her alma mater, the University of Missouri-Columbia’s Athletic Department Hall of Fame.

How to find Rosalyn Gentry - Facilitator:


Virginia Nava Hieger - Facilitator

Virginia Nava Hieger - Facilitator

Facilitator Background:

I have been a facilitator for eCornell’s Women’s Entrepreneurship Program for more than one year, facilitating courses in English and Spanish. Before becoming an entrepreneur I worked for Fortune 500 companies such as DuPont and Sanofi and worked as an international marketing leader to bring global brands to life. I decided to become an entrepreneur because I wanted to contribute my gifts and make a difference in the world. During my entrepreneurial journey I realized that part of entrepreneurial success is knowing yourself, having a clear vision, and knowing your gifts and strengths that go beyond your skills. I have transformed my business from a traditional marketing consulting firm into a changemaker incubator for visionaries, trailblazers and changemakers (transformative agents) who are building the next generation businesses to build a legacy and make the world better.  This is why I am now a founder of Your Gift Journey™ and Transformative Power™ where I help visionaries transform the world through an inside-out methodology.

What makes/keeps you excited about this program:

I love seeing women transformed through the program. It is a privilege to hear the different stories of so many women with diverse backgrounds and upbringings and how each one of them meaningfully contributes to others. Some contribute their inner strength and resilience, some contribute their many years of expertise, some contribute the legacy they live through that comes from past generations, some contribute great aspirations, and some through stories of challenges they have overcome.

I find that the combination of an incredible curriculum designed for women and thinking about the challenges that women face, instead of tiptoeing around those issues, is key. I find that the discussion posts and areas where people can share with each other are extremely valuable. The safety the students have to share with facilitators about the specific projects in a space where there is encouragement and support and expertise is similarly important.

Favorite thought on entrepreneurship:

I believe that entrepreneurship is the greatest equalizer. I find that business can be used as a vehicle to find balance in our lives, purpose and impact and meaning. My favorite quote is: “The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The work of life is to develop it. The meaning of life is to give your gift away.” - Viscott David

Share a fun fact or two about yourself:

I climbed the Yellow Mountain, not knowing what I was getting into. There is a big difference between a photo and a reality, and it showed me how much stronger I was, just like entrepreneurship has.

I wrote my books in recent years on personal transformation and visionary leadership. However, the first book I wrote was when I was sixteen years old.

I used to be a feminist. When my son arrived, I decided to focus my energy on gender synchronization instead.

How to find Virginia Nava Hieger - Facilitator:

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Whitney Wilkinson - Facilitator

Whitney Wilkinson - Facilitator

Facilitator Background:

Whitney Wilkinson is a public relations and marketing professional who has been proudly serving as an eCornell Course Facilitator for almost two years. She loves working with the women in the Bank of America Institute for Women’s Entrepreneurship program and is inspired by the many talented and ambitious entrepreneurs she advises. Whitney also facilitates public relations courses for eCornell.

In addition to facilitating courses, Whitney is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Salt Lake Community College and owns a marketing consulting practice. She has also worked as higher education marketing executive at several universities. Whitney earned a master’s degree in Integrated Marketing Communications from Northwestern University and worked in the Chicago advertising industry with accounts such as Quaker Oats, Silk Soy Milk, and Gatorade. Whitney was instrumental in founding the international advertising agency, Advent Creative, and was recognized by Utah Business Magazine as a Forty Under 40 award winner.

What makes/keeps you excited about this program:

Whitney is incredibly impressed by the passion and drive of the women in the program and is dedicated to the mission of providing opportunity to female entrepreneurs and helping them achieve their goals.

Favorite thought on entrepreneurship:

“Build something 100 people love, not something 1 million people kind of like.”  – Brian Chesky, Co-Founder and CEO, Airbnb

Share a fun fact or two about yourself:

Whitney works diligently to maintain her status as “Favorite Aunt” to her seven nieces and nephews and one of her proudest accomplishments is creating the name of the best-selling flavor of ice cream in the state of Utah - Aggie Blue Mint.

How to find Whitney Wilkinson - Facilitator:
