Why You Might Consider a Shop On Etsy

Etsy, originally an artisanal marketplace, has grown into a major platform for creative entrepreneurs, boasting a $3.5B+ valuation as of 2015. The user-friendly setup and management, along with potential for significant supplemental income, make it an attractive option for those looking to monetize their crafts amid rising living costs. See this piece in Essence for more info.

How Small Businesses Can Leverage Facebook/Meta

A Facebook presence is highly beneficial for small businesses, offering tools to promote services, increase customer support, and boost sales to its 2.91 billion users. With targeted paid campaigns and a Facebook Business Page, businesses can efficiently reach specific audiences, engage customers, and enhance their online visibility while keeping marketing costs low. To read more details about tips and tricks for effectively using Facebook for your small business, check out this article in Business News Daily.

Many Small Businesses Struggle with Marketing

Despite an improving economy and record-setting consumer spending, small businesses are struggling to effectively market their goods and services, with many overwhelmed by marketing and lacking confidence in their current strategies, as revealed by a report from Constant Contact. Factors such as economic worry and time constraints contribute to this marketing anxiety, leading to a cycle of procrastination hindering small businesses from reaching their potential.