Supporting Women-Owned Businesses

This article in Entrepreneur offers five practical ways to support women-owned businesses. These include shopping at women-owned businesses to support owners, employees, and the local economy; spreading the word about these businesses through social media and personal networks; attending events organized by women-owned businesses to show support and foster community; writing positive reviews to boost visibility and influence potential customers; and partnering with women-owned businesses to collaborate and mutually benefit. These actions can bring about significant changes in behavior and contribute to empowering women entrepreneurs while promoting economic growth and diversity in the marketplace.

Tips for Women Entrepreneurs

This article from AllBusiness provides advice for women entrepreneurs from successful female business owners. The piece includes 21 tips that cover a range of topics such as cultivating storytelling skills, bringing a fresh perspective, finding purpose, taking control, avoiding self-discrimination, hiring passionate staff, charging appropriately for services, and surrounding oneself with supportive people. Many of the tips emphasize the importance of amplifying women’s unique strengths, including communication, empathy, and problem-solving abilities, in building successful businesses.

White House Announces New Resources to Support Women Small Businesses Owners

According to this press release from the White House, the Biden Administration is working through the Small Business Administration (SBA) to expand the Women Business Centers (WBC) network. The goal is to bring the total number of WBCs to 160 centers across the country. WBCs assist women entrepreneurs through training, mentoring, business development, and financing opportunities. Read more about the White House plans here.

Which Dialogue Are You Listening To?

There is a piece just posted today in Fast Company entitled “The mindset shift you need in order to stop your inner voice from sabotaging you”.

In the article, author Lydia Fenet reflects on how “Imposter Syndrome” can often sneak up on us in our professional lives. Specifically she makes the important point of pausing to consider whether you are listening to what colleagues are actually saying or if you are listening to what you *think* they are saying. Read the article for the example – great content to ponder on your entrepreneurial journey.

Five Women Business Owners to Watch!

According to a recent survey by human resources software company Gusto, in 2020 and 2021, startups led by women accounted for 49 percent of all new ventures, compared to just 28 percent in 2019. Despite this growth, only 2.1 percent of venture capital funding went to women-led businesses in 2022. This is despite the fact that women-led companies, according to a Boston Consulting Group study, return 150 percent more on average for every dollar invested in them than businesses led by men.

This article in Newsweek profiles five women founders who are making strides in varied industries such as footwear, healthcare, food and beverage, tabletop games and technology. Their stories inspire while also offering useful tips on how to navigate the initial hurdles of entrepreneurship.

Working at the World’s 15 Most Female-friendly Companies

Great Place to Work  is a global leader in analyzing and reporting on workplace culture. They partnered with Fortune magazine to publish a study that analyzed feedback from over a half a million women to determine the most female-friendly companies (organizations with > 1,000 employees). Number one on the list was Hilton and was surprisingly followed by many companies in the financial and tech sectors. Perhaps positive change is finally underfoot! This article in CEO magazine shares the list in greater detail.

Support Women’s Leadership Progression in the World of Work

As the world emerges from the COVID pandemic, most employers – especially those that manage knowledge workers – have had to contemplate what the future of the office looks like in terms of in-person versus at-home expectations. This new hybrid model is an interesting one when it comes to the impact on women in the workforce. This article in Talent Management shares four important ways that business leaders can build hybrid workplaces that support their organizations’ diversity goals and encourage the advancement of women into leadership roles.

Female Entrepreneur Turns $10K to $2MM in 2 Years

Tiffany James from Modern Blk Girl

Tiffany James , a 27-year-old African American woman from New York City, is the founder of Modern Blk Girl, which helps educate women on how they can build wealth through investing. James was inspired to launch this venture and share her knowledge after she turned a $10,000 starting investment in the stock market into $2 million in just 2 years. Read more about her investing journey and her commitment to educating women about building wealth in this article in Black Enterprise.

Optimism is Linked to a Longer Lifespan in Women

Researchers from Harvard University; Boston University School of Medicine; Kaiser Permanente; UC Davis; UC San Diego; and Brown University explored the link between optimism and longevity in a 150,000 racially diverse women ages 50–79. Scientists found that women with the most optimism lived 5.4% longer (approximately 4.4 years) than the least optimistic women. Optimistic women were also more likely to achieve “exceptional longevity” which is defined as living to be 90+. One of the most interesting items to note is that these trends were consistent across all racial and ethnic groups of women. So if you are making a resolution for 2023, consider practices that impact your optimistic outlook! To read more about this research, see this link in the National Institute on Aging.