Two Entrepreneurs Enabling Safer Travel for Women

Srishti Mendhekar and Priyansha Mishra are the founders of On Her Way, a platform that connects women travelers to a local woman who can help them awareness about safe spaces and general information about the area. “Women have needs and issues, which can be broadly categorized into safety and hygiene, and no one is solving that. The current travel ecosystem is made by men for men. We want to change that,” says Srishti. Read more by accessing an article about how they founded their startup in

Understanding the Impact of the Pink Tax

The “pink tax” refers to the extra money women that are routinely charged for personal care products, services and clothing. While it may only seem like a few dollars difference here and there, when added up over a lifetime, this article in GoBankingRates states that the total can exceed $500,000! To see a breakdown of where the pink tax hits women the hardest, click the link to access the article.

Squashing the Negative

Many successful individuals – especially women – struggle with negative self-talk (sometimes referred to as having an Inner Critic). In this podcast from NPR’s Lifekit, Joy Harden Bradford, Ph.D., an Atlanta-based clinical psychologist and the host and founder of Therapy for Black Girls, shares several strategies to tame those voices. From reframing how you speak to yourself to reducing the time you spend doom-scrolling on social media, her tips are a worthwhile listen!

Top Three Things That Make Female Leaders Successful

In this post on, journalist and writer Julia Boorstin shares insights from what she learned in interviewing 120-plus CEOs, founders and VC investors for her new book “When Women Lead”. Her top three takeaways are that the most successful women leaders stay true to their strongest traits, rely on data rather than ego and find grounding in their purpose. To learn more about the examples behind these findings, click the above link to the piece.

Making Sure You Are Paid for Your Work

Often in industries that are more creative, there is an expectation that you need to  offer time and labor for free or for deeply discounted rates to get work…or “exposure”. In addition, there’s also the problem of the “brown discount,” which refers to a common workplace issue of people of color being asked to provide the “vastness and value” of their experiences, but without fair compensation or resources. But as journalist Juleyka Lantigua-Williams shares, “exposure” doesn’t pay the rent or the grocery bill. This episode from NPR’s Life Kit discusses some of these challenges in greater detail and shares strategies to ensure you are being paid what you are worth!

Impact of Hispanic Heritage on the Entrepreneurial Journey

In this post on, site contributor Gesche Haas spoke with nine women from the Dreamers & Doers collective to learn more about their experiences as business leaders of Latina descent and the challenges and successes that they have encountered. Each woman has a unique backstory and fabulous advice – click the link to read the piece on

Interview with Founder of Hiring Platform, We Are Rosie

This piece in Inc. is a conversation with We Are Rosie‘s CEO Stephanie Nadi Olson. She shares how the challenges of trying to juggle a family and the demands of a high powered corporate job – and then a startup job – led her to launch her own business focused on finding “good work for everyone who needs it in a way that aligns with their life and treats them with dignity and respect”. Her company now has over 15,000 contractors in the marketing and advertising space – whose contracts are capped at 40 hours per week. She states, “For culture to be truly compassionate, it cannot be prescriptive. Leadership decisions cannot happen in a vacuum.” Click the link above to read more about this incredible leader.

All Women eXXpedition Sailing Crews Tackle Ocean Plastic

Led by ocean advocate and skipper Emily Penn and founded in 2014, the nonprofit organization eXXpedition strives to shift the way people feel, think and act by building a global network of multidisciplinary women who can contribute to world-class scientific studies, explore solutions, and use their unique skill sets to tackle the problem from all angles. eXXpedition has been on a mission to “make the unseen, seen”—the unseen being women in sailing and science, the plastics and toxins polluting our oceans, and the diverse solutions to the problem. Read more about their work in this Upworthy article.

Togethxr—A Women’s-Focused Media Platform

Togethxr is a media brand that is tied to four legendary athletes from a diverse cross-section of sports. Cofounder and chief content officer Jessica Robertson says that Togethxr has a culture that recognizes that women’s sports is “ground zero for every single -ism that’s in culture – which means this is a brand that is going to touch issues of race, gender, sexuality, human rights, voting rights, and so much more.” Check out this article in Fast Company to learn more about this up and coming brand!

Having Women At The Top Drives More Corporate Diversity

According Altrata’s latest Global Gender Diversity report, having female corporate leadership – either in the C-Suite or as Board Chair – makes a huge difference in terms of gender diversity within the organization. Since CEOs are often recruited from among top corporate leadership, having women in these roles is a reflection of a company’s ability to support and train them while also offering room for advanecment. Read this post from CNBC to learn more.